Used by top Brands
and Agencies.
Trusted by
the best.
Give your team the tools they need to win.
Unleash the power of your CRM, Marketing Automation, and User base data via social advertising
Analyze high traffic, multi‑network
campaigns without ever touching
a spreadsheet
Consolidate scattered analytics and 3rd party attribution tools in no time
Monitor campaign performance and identify bottlenecks swiftly
Explore meaningful networks, audiences, creatives and messages that make a difference
Put your entire budget to work, informingly
Keep teams on plan with collaborative performance reporting
Wow your managements and clients with outstanding performance results
FacebookGoogle AnalyticsParagone
“With the dashboards we can easily share our reports amongst our team andeverybody working on the client can see everything in one place in real time. helps us maximize efficiency and improve performance.“
Sam Worley
Senior Paid Social Media Specialist
@Havas / Socialyse
“We see all the ad accounts with all the active campaigns, and we can immediately see the KPIs and the budget spent. Seeing the reporting with benefits the way we set up and optimize our campaigns.“
Jeremy Macé
Digital Marketing Manager
Sam Worley
Senior Paid Social Media
Specialist @Havas / Socialyse
“With the dashboards we can easily share our reports amongst our team andeverybody working on the client can see everything in one place in real time. helps us maximize efficiency and improve performance.“
Jeremy Macé
Digital Marketing Manager
“ helps us centralize our data and gives us clear visibility on all the KPIs we are tracking. It allows us to dive into the complexity of all data, while providing a simplified report.“
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